Monday, June 18, 2012

Adventures in San Francisco

On the way to the Bay City, I flew from Greensboro NC on Friday morning June 15 to San Francisco, California. It took 6 hours to fly from Greensboro to Washington then from there to California. My grandma and I flew on a different plane then my mother. The picture above is me waiting for my mom in the airport.

me outside of the Children's Creativity Museum
Streets of San Francisco
Road a shuttle to the Marriott Marquis hotel. The streets in San Francisco look like a roller coaster. The first day I got here the people were nice they asked if we needed directions as we were walking the streets to find somewhere to eat. The houses in San Francisco are bunged up together, so their kinda similar to apartments. On the first day of being in California we ate at a good, fancy, Italian restaurant called Brindisi. 

Union Square
We walked to Union Square from our hotel to catch a hop on and hop off double Decker tour bus. I took many of the pictures you see on this blog.

Hop on Hop off tour bus

Fisherman's Wharf
The Fisherman's Wharf is where the fisherman work. There are
restaurants, music and entertainment there.

Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge links from San Francisco to Marin county.
It was completed in 1937. The color of the bridge is international
orange because ships can see it at night.


This is what the houses look like

[That's it for now check out the part two to this]